(Sponsored & Managed Jointly by the Osmania Graduates’ Association And The Exhibition Society, Hyderabad)

Our College has been accredited with an A+ Grade by NAAC in it's 4th   Cycle To know about the courses offered in our college CLICK HERE The College has been ranked 2nd Best College in Telangana State by Education World Magazine
The Golden Jubilee College Day Celebration is on 27th February 2025, Chief Guest is Hon'ble Governor Shri Jishnu Dev Varma.


The college is named after Kasturba, the illustrious lady who stood by Gandhiji during the freedom movement. The college is located in a sprawling campus of 3.85 acres at West Marredpally, in the heart of the city. The college was established in 1973 by the Osmania Graduates’ Association under the patronage of the Exhibition Society.

In the year 1932, a group of dedicated alumni of Osmania University founded the Osmania Graduates’ Association (OGA) with a view to harness the talent of graduates towards integrated development of Telangana region with the promotion of education.

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Our Students Review

D Wilcina Genevieve - SC president

Greetings Dear ones, I am D Wilcina Genevieve, final year student of Bsc life sciences - BtMC and the Student Council President of Kasturba Gandhi Degree College

Being a student council president is an important leadership role that comes with various responsibilities and opportunities to make a positive impact on any educational institution. One of the main responsibilities is to plan and organize events for the student body. Something I love the most is to serve as the voice of the student body and advocate for their interests and concerns. This involves actively seeking feedback from students, listening to their suggestions, and addressing their issues by communicating with teachers, administrators, and other relevant parties.

From my personal experiences as a student council president, I would encourage you to be courageous, bold, patient and kind. Do Everything with love.

Uradi Priyamvada - Vice President

"A noble leader answers not to the trumpet calls of self promotion, but to the hushed whispers of necessity" - Mollie Marti

Hello folks,

I am Uradi Priyamvada from B.A Final Year- Vice President of the Student Council. Being a part of the Student Council has been an enriching experience, allowing me to witness the transformative power of effective leadership and student engagement. Serving on the council has provided me with invaluable opportunities to engage with my peers, address their concerns, and work collaboratively towards organizing multiple events in the college.

I have witnessed a lot of growth in me through the past year, be it in terms of conviction, resilience or confidence. It served as a unique opportunity for my personal growth and my leadership development.

Lastly, I would like to say to you folks, to keep pushing your boundaries, embrace challenges, and stand up for what you believe in. Make yourself visible. Put yourself out there and choose to explore your passion and interests.
Remember, you are the agents of change, and the world needs your voices.

Preethi Pramanik - sc vice president

Dear fellow students,

I am Preethi Pramanik, a final-year student of Bcom Computer Applications and the Student Council vice president of Kasturba Gandhi Degree College.As the Vice President of our college, I am immensely proud of the success we achieved through a series of well-executed events. The supportive faculty and nurturing environment played a crucial role in making these accomplishments possible. It was a privilege to be part of the counseling team, contributing to the college's growth and fostering a positive atmosphere for all students.

During my time as Vice President, I had the wonderful opportunity to form meaningful connections with both juniors and seniors. The camaraderie and mutual support among students of all levels added to the richness of our college experience.

Balancing responsibilities as Vice President while embracing numerous opportunities was a rewarding challenge. From leadership roles to engaging in diverse activities, my college journey was defined by the chance to grow both personally and professionally.

I am grateful to the college for providing me with the platform to serve as Vice President, engage in successful events, and build lasting connections. The invaluable experiences and support from the faculty and peers have truly shaped my college years in the most positive way.

Noorain Fathima - SC Secretary

Greetings to all.

I'm Noorain Fathima, a final-year Bsc. student at CNDB, and I'm also the student council secretary at Kasturba Gandhi Degree and PG College for Women. As the Student Council's secretary, it was my duty to work with the other council members to complete all of the responsibilities we were given. If I had to sum up my time on the student council, I would say it was both blissful and crazy. Being a council member is similar to serving as the faculty's liaison to the students. I had a lot to learn about handling the situations, and it was all in all a good experience. Everyone that reads this, just be strong enough, and you will get everything the world has to offer, is all I want to say.

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls" -Joseph Campbell

Akanksha Nayak - SC Secretary

Regards to all.

I am Akanksha Nayak, a final year student of Bsc physical sciences- MSCs and the Student Council Secretary at Kasturba Gandhi Degree College.

I am Akanksha Nayak, a final year student of Bsc physical sciences- MSCs and the Student Council Secretary at Kasturba Gandhi Degree College.

The year has now come to an end. In a few weeks we will be able to feel the sun warming us up and making us feel almost free from every worry, but bringing up new adventures in our life. It was worth going through all that we managed to learn about these years as a student council member. It’s a way to understand what we have been able to get from the experiences we have been through. We have learned how to share our time and passion with others. We have been able to actively help people, and we have evidently made a difference. And this has changed us. It has made us become aware of other people’s needs.

A famous quote goes “Kindness is language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”We have managed to learn a lot even from apparently tough and harsh situations such as the end of year exams. We have understood how to set priorities and how to manage our study time effectively. But most of all we have learned that difficulties in life come and go, but that we have the opportunity to be in a college in which we are monitored and helped. Life often gives us hard times, but the education we are receiving is helping us to face them with a smile. This year has been a bit like a roller coaster, but we have gotten through it. So let’s be happy about this! Personally, I am enthusiastic about the year that just flew by!

Annapurna Puravant - SC Secretary

Greetings to everyone

I'm Annapurna, second year student of BBA and the student Council Secretary of Kasturba Gandhi Degree College. There are some things that can only be learnt by experience and leadership is one of them. I was lucky enough to have been given an amazing opportunity to be a member of the student Council and a chance to be the voice of the students. But the sad part here is I was the only junior in the council. That means as the year comes to an end my teammates will leave the college but I'll have another year to go without them and their support. I was very lucky to have them by my side, I got to learn so much and was overall a great leading and learning experience. It was definitely a roller coaster ride for me but I'll definitely try to get on this ride next year as well. This whole experience has taught me so much that no textbook could ever do. Lastly I would like to thank my lovely senior tolerating, teaching and supporting me and the college for giving me this opportunity.

"A life spent doing mistakes is not only more honorable but more useful than a life spent doing nothing" -George Bernhard Shaw