The Department of Chemistry was established in 1973. The department has 3 well established Labs to conduct all the chemistry practicals for the B.Sc. I, II and III-year students.
The department has well equipped laboratories with weighing rooms and a separate instrumentation room. Faculty is committed to integrity, professionalism and lifelong learning by widening students’ knowledge horizons in range and depth with relevance to contemporary problems facing society and industry. Department is using innovative teaching techniques like Audio-visual, 3D models, discussion, demonstration, experimental laboratory methods and seminars using ICT and other conventional tools. From the department, 2 faculty members Dr.P.R.Sharadamani in 2004 & Dr.N.Parvathi in 2006 were awarded “State Best Teacher Award”.
To believe in rigorous coursework combined with use of latest technology and innovation.
committed to integrity, professionalism, and lifelong learning by widening students' knowledge horizons in range and depth with relevance to contemporary problems facing society and industry
S.Saritha | M.Sc., SET | HOD | 26 years |
P.S.Krishnaveni | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 20 years |
N.V.Swathi | M.Sc,PGDBM | Assistant Professor | 18 years |
B.Priyanka | M.Sc., B.Ed | Assistant Professor | 7 years |
G.Poojitha Reddy | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 2 years |
Praveena | M.Sc. | Assistant Professor | 9 yrs |
BSc IIIyr students made an effort to reach village Kolanupaka to explain the significance of organic pesticides to the farmers which saves environment whereas chemical sprays may be effective, they often have harmful effects on the surrounding environment, organic pest control products are much safer and more beneficial for the overall environment
Household energy consumption comes from both in-home and out- of-home activities. To explore the relationship between household energy consumption and life choices an online questionnaire survey was conducted.
The students of the chemistry department as a part of community connect had visited St. Mark’s High School in West Marredpally and explained the students, small experiments on Milk Dispersion, density checking , Golden Rain and Elephant Tooth Experiments.
World Ozone Day on 16 September. It highlights the importance of safeguarding the Earth’s protective ozone layer and shows that collective action, guided by science, is the best way to solve major global challenges.
Commerating the day the Department of Chemistry organized “POP QUIZ” as a part of Bioclub activity exclusively for the BSc II year students. The event was designed in a way to motivate the slow learners to improve their communication and build confidence.
A colorful event “Chem-Rangotsav” was organized as a part of Bioclub activity by the Department of Chemistry on 14.01.2021 for motivating B.Sc Iyr students to explore structures of various chemical compounds and to learn basic concepts of Chemistry.
Practical Demonstration for Iyr students on “Quantitative Analysis” by advanced learners: Being covid batches in their intermediate the present Iyr students were lacking practical skill as a part of bioclub activity. As a part of Bioclub activity we have taken the initiative to bridge the gap, advanced learners from BSc III yr assisted and explained to the Iyr students how to handle the apparatus, titrations, use of indicators.
National Pollution Control Day is observed on 2nd December every year,on account of the same Department of Chemistry has organized a rally with the theme “We belong to earth- Let’s preserve it” in the streets of Marredpally as a part of Bioclub activity.
National Pollution Control Day is observed on 2nd December every year,on account of the same Department of Chemistry has organized a rally with the theme “We belong to earth- Let’s preserve it” in the streets of Marredpally as a part of Bioclub activity,on 2/12/2022
Menstrual hygiene is vital to the empowerment and well-being of women,to educate high school girls and boys about the same, the Department of Chemistry organized a visit to St Marks School, program with the theme “Shiksha Suraksha Sucharitha” as periods are also the major reason that girls miss school in developing countries.
As a part of outreach program, our students conducted awareness on food adulteration in Anganwadi on 11th January, 2020. Students participated enthusiastically and have shown different food adulterations possible for different food items like spices, turmeric, chili powder, honey, salt, sugar, tea-coffee powders. Students have clearly explained the food adulteration in food items.
The Department of Chemistry conducted Assembly on 24/7/24 on Hazardous pictogram activity: An engaging session follows ,focussing on hazardous pictograms. The aim to raise awareness about safety symbols & their meanings, ensuring a safer environment for all
In 2020 chemistry assembly was based on the top demonstrating chemistry involved in every day as well as in the human body. The department also conducted the assembly proceedings on 21st Jan, 2019 the talk was about chemistry in everyday life, innovations and inventions in chemistry, chemistry in smart phones. In the year 2018 the assembly was on the topic green chemistry, body odors and chemistry based riddles.
"The Department of Chemistry, Zoology and Botany proposed an interdepartmental project on “Growth of regular and organic wheat grains in organic compost and analysis of wheat grass juice”.
The Department of Chemistry has signed MoU with RBVRR and AV College of Arts, Science, and Commerce.
Department of Chemistry, KGCW has conducted a Faculty Exchange Program in Collaboration with RBVRR Women’s College for B.Sc. II yr students of both the colleges for 6 days.
Resource persons
The intention of this program is to create an awareness in basic concepts of computers and to break the myth of computer learning as a hard nutshell to crack for class 4 employees.
When working in a lab, it is important to be familiar with the equipment in the working area. By becoming familiar with the laboratory we are working in and always following proper safety procedures, we can help to prevent or accidents. Keeping in view the importance of safety rules BSc IIyr students have designed a program for Iyr students, who will be experiencing working in the traditional labs for the first time.
Department consistently uses Innovative teaching techniques, apart from traditional methods of teaching, faculty are constantly updating in utilizing ICT tools such as Google classroom, ChemDraw, ChemTube3D, Simulations and Virtual labs.
Edutainment Programs such as Chem MadAct and Chem Mehandi, Chem Rangotsav, Chembola, Chem ‘O’ Fun, Pictorial and creative model making are organized by the Department which enhances creative learning.
The fundamental requirement and absolute necessity is environmental protection. The department has worked on sustainable environmental projects.
In order to raise awareness among the students, the department has organized a number of initiatives, including the Skit-Prahasan on World Ozone Day, intercollegiate competitions on National Pollution Control Day, to educate farmers on Organic farming, and a rally on safeguarding the environment with the theme- We belong to earth- lets preserve it.
The main goal of education is to connect people to society.Several outreach programmes, such as Visit to an Anganwadi to raise awareness on food adulteration, Programme for students called Siksha Suraksha Sucharitha were organized by the department.
The intention of this program is to create an awareness in basic concepts of computers and to break the myth of computer learning as a hard nutshell to crack for class 4 employees.
We use pedagogical tools to engage with and implement the curriculum effectively.
The objective of creating chemical structure models using paper and letters is to help students visually understand and represent molecular structures. This hands-on approach enhances their ability to grasp complex concepts such as bonding, atomic arrangements, and molecular geometry.
Chemistry department organized a Certificate course - “Python Course for Beginners & Beyond” for Life Sciences students. Two batches were held - 12/2/2024 and 12/8/24 for 150 students. Students ought to be able to: by the end of the course
The department of Chemistry in association with IQAC conducted a national level webinar on 18th May 2020, topic- ICT BASED TEACHING IN CHEMISTRY. The resource persons for the day were Prof. Samuel Johnson (VIT AP School of Business) and Dr. Manju (HOD, Dept. of Chem, VIT University).
The Department of Chemistry organised a Soft skills program - “ Stress Management and Mental Wellbeing” on 09/08/24 to all III yr. students for better deal with stress and difficulty. To develop coping strategies, it aims to equip students to deal with stressful situations, problem solving skill, Managing stress can help the students to lead more balanced, healthier life. Reducing the risk of stress related health issues and maintaining themselves as well –being.
As a central government initiative, GSI has conducted a seminar in the college premises on 18th February, 2020.
Department of Chemistry has planned a session on “Gender Equality” to bring social responsibility and awareness in students. Ms A. Neha, Advocate, The Bar Council of State of Telangana, Hyderabad was invited as the guest speaker for the event.
Visit to CIPET (Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology 2/4/2024 The main objective of conducting a field trip for students is to reinforce experiential and contextual learning on Plastic engineering and recycling.
Knowledge increases by sharing but not saving sharing knowledge is not about giving people something or getting something from them. It occurs when people are generally interested in helping one another to develop new capacities for action it is about creating new learning process , therefore Department of Chemistry in collaboration with Chemistry Department of Reddy college has organized Student Exchange program on Applied chemistry.
In the Pandemic situation which has affected all sections of life, education being crucial must not be halted. Taking into consideration the present situation the Department of Chemistry has organized Online Hands on learning on “Applications of Virtual Labs in Chemistry” on 7.10.2020 at 3pm for undergraduate students by Dr. Khairunnisa Amreen, PhD, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BITS, Pilani.
The department of Chemistry in association with IQAC conducted a national level webinar on 18th May 2020, topic- ICT BASED TEACHING IN CHEMISTRY. The resource persons for the day were Prof. Samuel Johnson (VIT AP School of Business) and Dr. Manju (HOD, Dept. of Chem, VIT University).
Certificate course was designed for the students to learn additional courses
apart from their regular subjects. Department of Chemistry has conducted one
certificate course on “Make up Artistry and Fashion
Illustration” to
communicate fashion ideas in a visual form that originates with
illustration, drawing , painting ,sketching to brainstorm the ideas of the
students on paper or digitally.
“Chemistry around You”: Department of Chemistry organized an intercollegiate poster presentation competition“Chemistry around You” on 8/4/2021.The idea behind organizing this event is to present creative posters for better understanding, gain experience in innovative presentation and most important to know the essence of chemistry
Chem ‘O’ Fun, Edutainment-2020
Department of Chemistry has organized Chem’O’ Fun, Edutainment-2020 for two days. The purpose of conducting the program was to refresh the basic concepts of chemistry through fun activities during the lockdown period. The online event was categorized into 4 sections consisting of Chem-Search,Chem-Mystery,Chem-Cryptogram,Chem-Crossword.Students have enthusiastically participated and made the event successful.
Illustration of Drug mechanism by Pictorial and Creative models
As a part of Bioclub activity the Department of Chemistry has conducted an innovative program on “Illustration of Drug mechanism by Pictorial and Creative models”. Objective of the event was to make students understand the drug-receptor concept and complexity of the mechanism in simplest way and effectively
Department of Chemistry organized an intercollegiate poster presentation competition“Chemistry around You” on 8/4/2021.The idea behind organizing this event is to present creative posters for better understanding, gain experience in innovative presentation and most important to know the essence of chemistry.
Department of Chemistry has organized Chem’O’ Fun, Edutainment-2020 for two days. The purpose of conducting the program was to refresh the basic concepts of chemistry through fun activities during the lockdown period. The online event was categorized into 4 sections consisting of Chem-Search, Chem-Mystery, Chem-Cryptogram,Chem-Crossword.Students have enthusiastically participated and made theevent successful.
As a part of Bioclub activity the Department of Chemistry has conducted an innovative program on “Illustration of Drug mechanism by Pictorial and Creative models”. Objective of the event was to make students understand the drug-receptor concept and complexity of the mechanism in simplest way and effectively.
Department of Chemistry has organized three days inter-collegiate competitions on account of “ National Pollution Control Day”. Day-1 Power Point Presentation Competition ,Day - 2 Poster Presentation competition were conducted online.
Prahasan” a play on “ Samrakshan of Ozonosphere On account of “World Ozone Day” the Department of Chemistry have organized a play in the college premises on 16/09/2022.
An annual academic cum cultural College fest Navarang 2K23 was organized by the college for two days.A number of competitions were conducted by various departments which involves students from other colleges as well.As a part of the fest Department of Chemistry organized “ ChemFiesta”.
Department of Chemistry has organized three days inter-collegiate competitions on account of “ National Pollution Control Day”. Day-1 Power Point Presentation Competition ,Day - 2 Poster Presentation competition were conducted online.