(Sponsored & Managed Jointly by the Osmania Graduates’ Association And The Exhibition Society, Hyderabad)

Best Practice – I

Title of the Practice : Environmental Sustainability : Educating for green future

Objectives of the Practice:

  • Encouraging for adoption of environment friendly habits in and off the campus. Educating stakeholders on environmental issues and measures to handle them

The Context :

  • The increasing environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change impacts compel the need for institutions to adopt sustainable practices and instill these values in their students.

The Practice :

  • The institution has adopted a broad approach to environmental sustainability, integrating it into campus operations, academic programs, and community outreach. Key practices include:
  • Commemorating World Environment Day, Energy Conservation Day, World Water Day through presentations and programs
  • Collaborated with franchise of ITC for paper and e-waste management and sent students as green warriors for giving awareness to school students
  • Promoting Eco-Friendly celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi and Diwali
  • Tree Plantation Program in the campus, presenting saplings to the guests, promoting “each one plant one”
  • Collaborated with Bisleri to manage plastic waste in the campus

Evidence of Success :

Over 1,000 students participated in plantation drives, awareness campaigns promoting environmental consciousness . A noticeable increase in student and staff involvement in sustainability efforts like unplugging electric and electronic appliances when not in use, shift to LED bulbs. Opting for clay Ganesha than made of plaster-of-paris, opting for steel bottles etc. Students willingly getting paper waste from their homes in cleanliness drive “do not waste, donate waste” organized by Vanavatika - the environment club of the institution

Problems Encountered and Resources Required :

The club encountered challenges in organizing programs taking time out from academic schedule. The students face problems in balancing those situations. At times financial support, trained personnel in certain programs are the problems encountered. It is also the resistance to change on certain aspects by going completely eco-friendly.

Best Practice – II

Academic Excellence

Title of the Practice Student Research and Presentations: A Pathway to Academic Excellence

Objectives of the Practice

  • Providing a conducive environment for research Empowering students to become skilled researchers and innovative thinkers Encouraging students to conduct original research, and present their findings with clarity and confidence.

The Context :

  • In today’s competitive world, research and innovation are essential for students’ success. The institution identified gaps in research skills, critical thinking, and opportunities for hands-on learning and idea sharing. To bridge these gaps, a structured initiative was launched to enhance students’ research abilities and promote creativity.

The Practice :

  • The institute conducted workshops on research methodology, academic writing to build foundational skills.
  • As part of curriculum, final year students have projects and case-studies. Faculty members mentor students throughout the research process, providing guidance on topics, methodology, and presentation.
  • The institute strived for integration of research methodologies and problem-solving techniques into academic programs across all disciplines.

Evidence of Success :

The initiative has yielded few achievements demonstrating its success in enhancing students' research and innovation capabilities.

Three students from Department of Biotechnology have published paper and was accepted for publication in International Journal of Plant and Environment Seven students from Department of Chemistry have published paper on Wholesomeness of Wheatgrass juice - The Green Blood in IJSR, April 2023 4 students from Department of Physics presented an innovative project in an inter-collegiate competition and won first prize Increase in number of student participation in Workshop, Seminars, Guest Lectures organized by various Departments

Problems Encountered and Resources Required :

Implementing this best practice faces several challenges. Expertise from a particular field is crucial for guiding students, but resource constraints and time management due to semester pattern can slow their research process. Motivating students, especially those without prior experience, is a challenge. Assessing research and presentations effectively requires careful consideration of diverse student needs and learning styles. Overcoming public speaking fears while presenting papers is a key factor